Spam Category utilizing OpenAI – GeeksforGeeks

Most of individuals in today’s society own a smart phone, and they all often get interactions (SMS/email) on their phones. However the bottom line is that a few of the messages you get might be spam, with extremely couple of being authentic or essential interactions. You might be fooled into supplying your individual details, such as your password, account number, or Social Security number, by fraudsters that send bogus text. They might have the ability to access your bank, e-mail, and other accounts if they get this details. To filter out these messages, a spam filtering system is utilized that marks a message spam on the basis of its contents or sender.

In this post, we will be seeing how to establish a spam category system and likewise assess our design utilizing numerous metrics. In this post, we will be majorly concentrating on OpenAI API. There are 2 methods to

We will be utilizing the Email Spam Category Dataset dataset which has generally 2 columns and 5572 rows with spam and non-spam messages. You can download the dataset from here

Steps to execute Spam Category utilizing OpenAI

Now there are 2 techniques that we will be covering in this post:

1. Utilizing Embeddings API established by OpenAI

Action 1: Set up all the needed incomes

! pip set up -q openai

Action 2: Import all the needed libraries


import openai

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

from sklearn.model _ choice import train_test_split

from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, accuracy_score

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

from sklearn.model _ choice import train_test_split

from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, accuracy_score

from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix

Action 3: Appoint your API secret to the OpenAI environment


openai.api _ crucial = " YOUR API SECRET"

Action 4: Check out the CSV file and tidy the dataset

Our dataset has 3 unnamed columns with NULL worths,

Note: Open AI’s public API does not process more than 60 demands per minute. so we will drop them and we are taking just 60 records here just.


df = _ csv(' spam.csv', encoding_errors =' overlook', on_bad_lines =' avoid')

print( df.shape)

df = df.dropna( axis = 1)

df = df.iloc[:60]

df.rename( columns = {' v1': ' OUTPUT', ' v2': ' TEXT'}, inplace = Real)

print( df.shape)



Email Spam Detection DataFrame

Email Spam Category Dataset

Step 5: Specify a function to utilize Open AI’s Embedding API

We utilize the Open AI’s Embedding function to create embedding vectors and utilize them for category. Our API utilizes the “text-embedding-ada-002” design which comes from the 2nd generation of embedding designs established by OpenAI. The embeddings created by this design are of length 1536.


def get_embedding( text, design =" text-embedding-ada-002"):

return openai.Embedding.create( input = , design = design)['data'][0]['embedding']

df["embedding"] = df.TEXT. use( get_embedding). use( np.array)



Spam Email Classification Dataset

Email Spam Category Dataset

Action 6: Customized Label the classes of the output variable to 1 and 0, where 1 suggests “spam” and 0 ways “not spam”.


class_dict = {' spam': 1, ' ham': 0}

df['class_embeddings'] = df.OUTPUT. map( class_dict)



Spam Classification dataset

Spam Category dataFrame after function engineerin

Action 7: Establish a Category design.

We will be splitting the dataset into a training set and recognition dataset utilizing train_test_split and training a Random Forest Category design.


X = np.array( df.embedding)

y = np.array( df.class _ embeddings)

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( X, y, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 42)

clf = RandomForestClassifier( n_estimators = 100) X_train. tolist(), y_train)

preds = clf.predict( X_test. tolist())

report = classification_report( y_test, preds)

print( report)


 accuracy recall f1-score assistance
0 0.82 1.00 0.90 9
1 1.00 0.33 0.50 3
precision 0.83 12
macro avg 0.91 0.67 0.70 12
weighted avg 0.86 0.83 0.80 12

Action 8: Determine the precision of the design


print(" precision: ", np. round( accuracy_score( y_test, preds) * 100, 2), "%")


 precision: 83.33 %

Action 9: Print the confusion matrix for our category design


confusion_matrix( y_test, preds)


 variety([[9, 0],
[2, 1]]

2. Utilizing text conclusion API established by OpenAI

Action 1: Set Up the Openai library in the Python environment

! pip set up -q openai

Action 2: Import the following libraries

Action 3: Appoint your API secret to the Openai the environment


openai.api _ crucial = " YOUR API SECRET"

Action 4: Specify a function utilizing the text conclusion API of Openai


def spam_classification( message):

action = openai.Completion.create(

design =" text-davinci-003",

timely = f" Categorize the following message as spam or not spam: nn {message} nnAnswer:",

temperature level = 0,

max_tokens = 64,

top_p = 1.0,

frequency_penalty = 0.0,

presence_penalty = 0.0


return action['choices'][0]['text'] strip()

Step 5: Check out the function with some examples

Example 1:


out = spam_classification(


print( out)



Example 2:


out = spam_classification(" Hey Alex, simply wished to let you understand tomorrow is an off. Thank you")

print( out)


 Not spam

Often Asked Concerns (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Which algorithm is best for spam detection?

There isn’t a single algorithm that has actually regularly produced trusted results. The kind of the spam, the information that is available, and the specific requirements of the issue are a few of the variables that impact an algorithm’s effectiveness. Although Ignorant Bayes, Neural Networks (RNNs), Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and Assistance Vector Devices are a few of the most often utilized category strategies.

2. What is embedding or word embedding?

The embedding or Word embedding is a natural language processing (NLP) method where words are mapped into vectors of genuine numbers. It is a method of representing words and files through a thick vector representation. This representation is gained from information and is revealed to record the semantic and syntactic homes of words. The words closest in vector area have the most comparable significances.

3. Is spam category monitored or without supervision?

Spam category is monitored as one needs both independent variable( message contents) and target variables( result, i.e., whether the e-mail is spam or not) to establish a design.

4. What is spam vs ham category?

Email that is not spam is described be “Ham”. Additionally, “great mail” or “non-spam” It should be considered as a quicker, snappier option to “non-spam”. The expression “non-spam” is most likely more effective in many contexts due to the fact that it is more thoroughly utilized by anti-spam software application makers than it is somewhere else.


In this post, we went over the advancement of a spam classifier utilizing OpenAI modules. Open AI has lots of such modules that can assist you alleviate your day-to-day work and likewise assist you start with tasks in the field of Expert system. You can take a look at other tutorials utilizing Open AI API’s listed below:

Last Upgraded:
02 Jun, 2023

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