How to develop a Bastion server in CloudFormation

To develop a Bastion server utilizing AWS CloudFormation, you require to specify the required resources in a CloudFormation design template. Here’s an example of how you can develop a Bastion server utilizing CloudFormation:

 AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09".
Type: AWS:: EC2:: SecurityGroup.
GroupDescription: Bastion Security Group.
- IpProtocol: tcp.
FromPort: 22.
ToPort: 22.
CidrIp: 0.
VpcId: "your-vpc-id".
Type: AWS:: EC2:: Circumstances.
ImageId: "your-ami-id".
InstanceType: "t2.micro" # Update with the preferred circumstances type.
-! Ref BastionSecurityGroup.
KeyName: "your-key-pair-name".
Fn:: Base64:! Sub |
#!/ bin/bash.
echo "AllowTcpForwarding yes" >> > >/ etc/ssh/sshd _ config.
service sshd reboot.
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp-- dport 22 -j REDIRECT-- to-port 2222.
iptables-save > >/ etc/sysconfig/iptables.
systemctl allow iptables.
systemctl reboot iptables.
Type: AWS:: EC2:: EIP.
InstanceId:! Ref BastionInstance.

In the CloudFormation design template:

  1. The BastionSecurityGroup resource produces a security group permitting SSH gain access to on port 22 from any IP address ( 0). Make certain to change " your-vpc-id" with the ID of your VPC.
  2. The BastionInstance resource produces an EC2 circumstances utilizing the defined Amazon Maker Image (AMI) and circumstances type. Update " your-ami-id" with the ID of the preferred AMI, and " your-key-pair-name" with the name of your EC2 essential set.
  3. The UserData home runs a series of commands on the Bastion circumstances to allow SSH forwarding, reroute SSH traffic from port 22 to 2222 (beneficial if you have other services currently utilizing port 22), and reboot the required services.
  4. The BastionEIP resource associates a Flexible IP (EIP) with the Bastion circumstances, offering it with a fixed public IP address.

Make certain you have the required consents to develop EC2 circumstances, security groups, and EIPs in your AWS account prior to releasing this CloudFormation design template. Change the design template according to your particular requirements.

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